But then, . . . my learning in this crazed manner actually shows up in my Human Design chart. Well, perhaps I'm taking even this to an extreme. Hey that's my style.
Note: If after reading this posting, you want to know more, check out the more recent postings. There are several, just in November.
What is Human Design?
It's a system that helps you understand your true or authentic self. I'm not going to go into the details about that here, because I do that on my website. As I gather them, I will also post testimonials from individuals whose lives have been impacted by having me interpret their charts.
Your birth information is used to generate your personal Human Design chart, which can then be 'read' to help you understand the truth of who you are.
Human Design provides practical, relevant information
about how you make decisions and take actions in your day-to-day life.
For a very long time, astrologers have been using this same birth information to produce charts for astrology readings. Personally, I have never experienced astrology as being particularly helpful. None of the astrology readings that I have had over the years has had any noticeable impact on either my behavior or my life.
When I learned about Human Design, even before I had a reading or any training, I had learned significant things about myself that were immediately relevant and practical to apply to my daily life. As I have learned about the depths of information that can be drawn from Human Design charts, the understanding that I've gained about myself and about other people has been profoundly impactful.
Human Design charts are free! Visit my website for details, or go to Request Your Free Chart later in this blog post.
Discount for Readings. My fee for readings is going up, because I've completed Level 3 of the Human Design Specialist training. Going into January update - Since the reduced rate has enabled many people to benefit from readings, I'm extending the discount for a while. I'm keeping it at the Level 2 rate of $97.
For Adults
Readings can help adults understand themselves, their decision making processes, their relationships, and their successes and challenges. In my experience, it often helps them be more peaceful about who they are. By the time they reach their 30's, 40's, and 50's, many people have pretty much figured out what works and what doesn't work. So they may already be living according to their Human Design Type and Strategy. Readings can help them fine tune how they express their truth, leading to their openness to fully experiencing their gifts and the highest potentials in their charts.
When people have not been living according to their truth, life can be a real struggle. For them, understanding the truth of their Design can help them become more in alignment, freeing themselves from struggle.
For Children
Human Design can be really helpful for children. Imagine being a child who learns about the most correct ways for herself or himself to make decisions and take actions. Then as they grow up, they can make choices consistent with who they are. If you had learned that as a child, would your life have been easier, less frustrating, and more satisfying? Imagine that!
Understanding Others, Relationships, and Family Dynamics
Human Design can also help you understand other people, the relationships you have with them, and the dynamics that occur within families or groups. Charts are free, so you can get them for your loved ones. Learn why people behave as they do. Learn how to support them, and how they can support you.
Human Design Readings
In readings, I interpret the information in your chart. Every time I do a reading, I am absolutely amazed at how accurate the chart is. During a reading, based on what I see in the chart, I ask my client questions. Over and over again people respond with "That's me" and "I do that."
Numerous times, I've done readings for people whom I really don't know at all. So the information that I am getting about them isn't coming from my knowledge about their history. I'm astonished when they repeatedly affirm that what I'm seeing in the chart accurately describes their experience of life. Perhaps someday I will become accustomed to this and my surprise will fade. But I'm not there yet.
I will digitally record your reading and send it to you.
Human Design charts are free!
Request Your Free Chart
Please send the following information to me at sandra@MiracleInspirations.com. I will send your chart by e-mail, along with a basic interpretation document.
Name, Birth date, Birth time (as accurately as you know it), Birth location, e-mail address
(Your information remains confidential, and I do not keep it on the Internet. Requesting a free chart places you under no obligation to have a reading.)
You may also request charts for other people. This can help you understand why people behave as they do, and your relationships with them.
If You Want to Learn Human Design Yourself
I highly recommend my teacher's training for Human Design Specialists. She makes a complex body of information practical and easy to understand.
Here is a link to Karen Curry's website.
Appointments -- Penticton, Olympia, Telephone, . . .
I offer Human Design readings, The Body Code/The Emotion Code, and Spiritual Response Therapy by telephone and in person. In Penticton, B.C., and in Olympia, Washington, I offer in-person bodywork and energy work appointments, which may incorporate use of the Zero Point Global products.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, or if you would like to schedule an appointment. sandra@MiracleInspirations.com
Thank You's, Comments and Suggestions! There is a comments link at the end of the newsletter.
I love hearing from you and receiving your feedback. sandra@MiracleInspirations.com
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May You Fall Madly In Love With Yourself!
Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations
Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2012 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.
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