Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hope & Love for Humanity - HD

With all of the not-so-great things that have been going on in the world, sometimes it can be difficult to have a hopeful outlook on the future of humanity. In addition to the financial crises and the natural disasters, we have the occasional person going wild with guns in public places. The insistence on the part of some governments that war is a necessity has never made sense to me.

Of course, we are in the last days prior to the long awaited December 2012 end of the Mayan Calendar. Noone really knows what will transpire, but many people believe the 21st will pass without major drama. We are already well into the transition period, and ultimately everyone and everything is evolving positively.

My conscious intention has been to Choose to look at life through a hopeful lens. To believe in a hopeful picture of the future. One where the world and all of its peoples experience love, and are loving towards each other.

This morning I realized that I quite actively hold this as an intention. At the same time, I've got conscious conflict going on. Because on some level, I haven't really believed in this existence as a true possibility. Deep inside, I remained pessimistic about humanity's ability to care for its members. Each time I consciously chose a positive perspective, I was spreading a fresh layer of icing onto a long rotten cake.

Then into my life came Human Design . . .

The Design of Humanity

This morning I realized that learning Human Design has profoundly altered my belief about what is possible for humanity. Let's talk a bit about the Human Design body graph. To give you something to look at while I explain, here is my Body Graph. It's small, because you don't really need to see the details for this discussion.

Each of the shapes, colored or white, is a Center which represents an aspect of who we are as individuals. Each of the lines connecting the Centers is called a Channel. Each Channel is made up of two Gates. Each Gate represents an aspect of who we are as individuals. Which Gates, Channels, and Centers are colored in the Body Graph is determined by the positions of the Planets at the time that the individual is born. The areas that are colored are called Defined.

There you go. The basics of Human Design in a few sentences. Comprehending more than this is not necessary for the purposes of the current discussion. (If you want more depth of understanding, I encourage you to finish reading this blog posting, then go to my website.)

An infinite range of possibilities is available for each of us as human beings, all of which can be displayed in the Body Graph. I continue to be astounded by how much can be drawn from these seemingly simple 'triangles'.


Each of these aspects of humanity are experienced as Dualities. We either ARE that way, or we ARE NOT that way. It may be an issue in our lives, or it may be completely NOT an issue for us. Our expression of that energy may also change a) over time, b) with our circumstances, and c) depending on the people with whom we interact. We all experience all of the energies. And the aspects that are Defined (colored) in our personal charts are likely to be significant in our experience.

Let's use as examples some of the Defined energies from my own chart.

Struggle. We may experience struggle in some areas of life and not in others. Health, relationships, $$$. Some people truly do not have much experience of Struggle during the course of their lives. It is likely that they do not have the gate for Struggle defined. This energy is also about knowing what is worth struggling for.
Aloneness. We may feel lonely and want to be with people. Yet when we are with people, we may still feel alone, or we may wish we were alone. There can be a real push-me-pull-you dynamic with this energy.

Communication. Depending on whether or not this Center is Defined, and what else is defined in a person's chart, they may feel like they are not heard. Sometimes it may be easy for them to communicate, at other times it may be difficult.

Joy of Life. Some people consciously experience this, and for other people the experience of joy in life is mostly absent.

Truth and Integrity. One thing I have learned about myself through Human Design is that truth and integrity are central to my life. Understanding this has profoundly altered my experience of myself, and my sense of direction in life. On a general level, when an individual has this energy defined, it can be expressed either as truth and integrity, or as lying and the absence of integrity. As with all of the energies in the chart, the expression of this may fluctuate.

According to Human Design, the Body Graph is the blueprint for humanity. It has are nine Centers, 64 Gates, and 35 or 36 Channels.  That's a lot of energies, with infinite possibilities for combinations.

Which Energies are Present & Which are Absent?

The energy for hatred and suffering are absent from the Body Graph. So they are not inherent aspects of being human.

The possibility for the experience of Love is in each and every place in the Body Graph.

That says something significant about who we are, doesn't it?

War, Violence, & Power  

What about war and violence? These energies are present associated with the protection, feeding, and survival of the family and of the tribal community. So going to war in order to obtain food (or to protect your food supplies) is in the chart. Fighting to protect your women and children is in the chart.

Power is in the chart, as in the power to get things done, and to bring people together to cooperatively get things done.

These energies are very important to our survival as a species. Which makes sense.

However, power, war, and violence as we have come to experience them in our wider 'modern' culture . . . these are absent from the chart. Power, war, and violence for money and for the sake of power itself, these are not in the chart. This is what the Human Design teachings that I follow have to say about the extraordinarily distorted expressions of these energies that have overcome our culture in recent decades.

The distorted expressions of power, war, and violence
that our society is experiencing are OFF THE CHART

In other words, these expressions are not consistent with the design of humanity. They are distortions of the natural expressions of these energies that are part of our design.

We are not designed to express power, war, and violence in these distorted ways.

Hope for Humanity

This is what has altered my manner of looking at our future. The fact that the aspects of our social and world experience that I find so objectionable are actually NOT part of the truth of who we are. Whew. There is hope for us after all. We've just been Off The Chart. So all we have to do is get back onto the Chart, get back on track as a tribe.

Recall our discussion of the aspects of the chart as dualities. Each of us on the planet can live out each of these energies in ways that are difficult, or in ways where we experience their gifts. We can resist who we are, or we can live fully into the expression of who we are as a contribution to the world.

Evolution of the Body Graph 

According to my Human Design teacher, many of the struggle- and survival-based energies are gradually disappearing. Our decision making processes are evolving away from fear and survival as determining forces. How we FEEL is becoming more important in our decisions. The teachings of many of today's popular cultural and spiritual role models reflect these evolutionary shifts.

What's the 'Truth'?

Noone can say what is actually 'True' when it comes to who we are. I certainly cannot. So perhaps none of this means anything. Personally, I have found Human Design to be extraordinarily accurate in describing people and their ways of being. I know that many people agree. 

Looking at myself and at others in this way is certainly much more empowering to me than the alternative.

What Empowers You?

Ultimately, you get to decide for yourself. What works for you? What empowers you to move forward in life and make a contribution? Coincidentally, . . . That's the topic for my next short post, which you will find immediately below this one.

Human Design charts are free!

Visit my website for details. You can also go to my first posting about Human Design. There are others as well, if you want to explore. I designate them with HD at the end of the posting name, if it's not written out.

Hope & Love for Humanity!



Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2012 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.

How Can I Contribute? - HD

We all want to make a difference in the world. Today's thoughts on this are an addendum to the Hope & Love for Humanity post.

Each energy in your Human Design chart carries with it possibilities for gifts to you and to others, depending on how you express them. There are no aspects of the design of humanity that are purely negative in nature. Human beings are inherently loving and good.

Each day, you live out these energetic qualities, mixing them all together in your experience in infinite potential ways. Therefore you have endless opportunities for offering your gifts to the people and to the world around you. 

Gregg Braden offers a wonderful question that I find empowering. It helps establish a mindset for making a difference.

Speaking of Gregg Braden, he's got a fabulous new book Deep Truth. In it, he discusses ways in which our understanding of humanity's history has been incomplete. Recent scientific discoveries indicate that war is NOT an inherent element of human civilization. Entire civilizations existed with no weapons, no dividing walls to keep people out, and no mass burials. All prior to what scientists used to believe were the earliest civilizations. Over the years, I have read or listened to many of Gregg Braden's books, and I recommend them.

What Can I Give to the World That is Emerging?

Today this is the 'catchy phrase' for making a difference in your life.

We tend to think that making a contribution means doing 'big' things, that small actions don't matter. On the contrary, every action contributes in some way to the entirety of existence. The impact of your contribution will be positive, negative, or neutral.

If you were to gather together all of your actions over the course of a day, from your waking moment to your sleeping moment, would the cumulative impact be positive?

A smile to the person walking by on the sidewalk is a gift. Picking up garbage on the street. Helping a person who is struggling with moving an unwieldy object. Making a meal for a family who is dealing with a major health challenge. Each action makes a difference.

Voting in elections contributes to the operation of your society. Serving in government yourself can be a gift, if that is right for you. (It absolutely would not be for me.)

There are countless ways to contribute to efforts to conserve our planet's resources and remaining wild ecosystems. Reducing your fossil fuel usage, and reducing the amount of packaging material that you cause to go to landfills are actions of conservation that you can take today.

Feeding hungry families, doing volunteer work, and planting flowers are actions of contribution. Educating people about health and about food is a contribution. As is making healthy food choices for yourself, and for your family. And so on.

So, what can you give to the world that is emerging?

I would love your feedback on the 'catchy phrase' idea, and the video as a means of conveying it to you. Do you actually bring the phrases to mind at times when you can benefit from them? Or is this experiment of mine just annoying.

If you find the catchy phrases useful, I invite you to share your experience of them.

As always, you are so very much appreciated. Thank you for being there.

Human Design charts are free!

Visit my website for details. You can also go to my first posting about Human Design. There are others as well, if you want to explore. I designate them with HD at the end of the posting name, if it's not written out.

What Can I Give to the World That is Emerging?



Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2012 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Always DO What Feels GOOD to YOU! - HD

Have you ever done something that ended up turning out all wrong? 
Have you ever done a project or had a job that made you miserable every step of the way?
Have you ever agreed to do something then regretted making the commitment?
Have you ever backed out of a commitment, then proceeded to feel terrible or guilty?
Would you like a new way to look at this whole set of circumstances? A way of being with yourself around your decisions and actions?

Always DO What Feels GOOD to YOU!

Human Design provides a whole new perspective on the decision making process. Here are the basics in two sentences. Each individual is one of five Types. Each Type has a unique Strategy for making decisions and taking actions. There is so much more to it than that, but that is sufficient for now. If you want more details, go to my my website and my blog post from last week.

Here's what I have to say.

We'll talk more about that in a bit. First let's look at . . .

How Society Conditions Us to Make Decisions

Marketing campaigns are designed around compelling us to buy on impulse. Obvious examples are commercials for foods, drugs, fashion, . . . ad nauseum. Personal growth and development programs are infamous for the hype that is used to push us into the Big Buy.

We are also told to "Figure it out". Like the correct place for making decisions is in our heads. Because the logical thought process is the ultimate determining force for decision making.

How about when it comes to jobs and making money? Frequently we take jobs because we feel like we HAVE to. "There are no other jobs available." "It's better than what I have now." "I need the money."And even if we are unhappy with our jobs, we feel compelled to stay in them, again because we HAVE to. "I'm lucky to have this job."

When it comes to coming up with ideas and making them happen, we're told, "Just do it!"

A New Perspective - Waiting & Feeling

According to Human Design, most of this is flat out incorrect for most people. Only 8% of people are designed to ever be able to "Just do it." The rest of the population, like 92% are designed to Wait to Make Decisions and designed to Wait to Take Action.

Additionally everyone, each and every one of us is designed to Only Take Action When We Feel Right about what we are undertaking.What 'Feeling Right' about a decision means differs, depending on the individual.

Changing Your Mind - Communication

According to Human Design, timing is a critically important aspect of the decision making process. This is too large a topic to take on looking at in depth today. What will be simplest is looking at how this shows up in the real world.

Have you ever agreed to do something, then decided later that you didn't want to do it after all? This occurs because how you feel about things may change. If you feel this way, taking that action is probably not correct for you. According to Human Design, the timing is not right for you.

So what do you do? Would you like my recommendation? Renegotiate your agreement. This may be as simple as communicating to whomever is involved that you have changed your mind.

There is absolutely no fault here.

Would you like to see how I look at this when it happens in my life? When I have made an agreement and am therefore committed to something that is not correct for me, I am out of integrity. With myself and with whomever else is involved in my agreement. In my experience, when this happens, everyone involved feels weird and uncomfortable. The lack of integrity is palpable.

By communicating and renegotiating the agreement, I return integrity to both myself and to my relationship with the individual(s) involved.

Always DO What Feels GOOD to YOU!

When you have a decision to make, remember to Always DO What Feels GOOD to YOU. I'm trying something new, and giving you a catchy phrase. So when this situation comes up in your life, you'll remember. Here's the video again.

I would love your feedback on my 'catchy phrase' idea, and the video as a means of conveying it to you.
If you find this useful, please let me know how it goes.

Human Design charts are free!

Visit my website for details. You can also go to my first posting about Human Design. There are others as well, if you want to explore. I designate them with HD at the end of the posting name, if it's not written out.

Here's to You Living an Awesome Life!



Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2012 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Understanding Your Human Design

Recently, I was introduced to Human Design through a teleseminar. Ever since then, I've been OBSESSED. I jumped with both feet off my personal teetering cliff of normalcy into the training to be a Human Design Specialist. It's been a little over two months since I first learned about the existence of Human Design. I tell friends that I inhaled the Level 1 training in two days, then Level 2 in two weeks. Now I'm with the group class where we're on the verge of completing Level 3.

But then, . . . my learning in this crazed manner actually shows up in my Human Design chart. Well, perhaps I'm taking even this to an extreme. Hey that's my style.

Note: If after reading this posting, you want to know more, check out the more recent postings. There are several, just in November.

What is Human Design?

It's a system that helps you understand your true or authentic self. I'm not going to go into the details about that here, because I do that on my website. As I gather them, I will also post testimonials from individuals whose lives have been impacted by having me interpret their charts.

Your birth information is used to generate your personal Human Design chart, which can then be 'read' to help you understand the truth of who you are.
Human Design provides practical, relevant information
about how you make decisions and take actions in your day-to-day life.

For a very long time, astrologers have been using this same birth information to produce charts for astrology readings. Personally, I have never experienced astrology as being particularly helpful. None of the astrology readings that I have had over the years has had any noticeable impact on either my behavior or my life.

When I learned about Human Design, even before I had a reading or any training, I had learned significant things about myself that were immediately relevant and practical to apply to my daily life. As I have learned about the depths of information that can be drawn from Human Design charts, the understanding that I've gained about myself and about other people has been profoundly impactful.

Human Design charts are free! Visit my website for details, or go to Request Your Free Chart later in this blog post.

Discount for Readings. My fee for readings is going up, because I've completed Level 3 of the Human Design Specialist training. Going into January update - Since the reduced rate has enabled many people to benefit from readings, I'm extending the discount for a while. I'm keeping it at the Level 2 rate of $97.

For Adults

Readings can help adults understand themselves, their decision making processes, their relationships, and their successes and challenges. In my experience, it often helps them be more peaceful about who they are. By the time they reach their 30's, 40's, and 50's, many people have pretty much figured out what works and what doesn't work. So they may already be living according to their Human Design Type and Strategy. Readings can help them fine tune how they express their truth, leading to their openness to fully experiencing their gifts and the highest potentials in their charts.

When people have not been living according to their truth, life can be a real struggle. For them, understanding the truth of their Design can help them become more in alignment, freeing themselves from struggle.

For Children

Human Design can be really helpful for children. Imagine being a child who learns about the most correct ways for herself or himself to make decisions and take actions. Then as they grow up, they can make choices consistent with who they are. If you had learned that as a child, would your life have been easier, less frustrating, and more satisfying? Imagine that!

Understanding Others, Relationships, and Family Dynamics

Human Design can also help you understand other people, the relationships you have with them, and the dynamics that occur within families or groups. Charts are free, so you can get them for your loved ones. Learn why people behave as they do. Learn how to support them, and how they can support you.

Human Design Readings

In readings, I interpret the information in your chart. Every time I do a reading, I am absolutely amazed at how accurate the chart is. During a reading, based on what I see in the chart, I ask my client questions. Over and over again people respond with "That's me" and "I do that."

Numerous times, I've done readings for people whom I really don't know at all. So the information that I am getting about them isn't coming from my knowledge about their history. I'm astonished when they repeatedly affirm that what I'm seeing in the chart accurately describes their experience of life. Perhaps someday I will become accustomed to this and my surprise will fade. But I'm not there yet.

I will digitally record your reading and send it to you.

Human Design charts are free!

Request Your Free Chart

Please send the following information to me at I will send your chart by e-mail, along with a basic interpretation document.

Name, Birth date, Birth time (as accurately as you know it), Birth location, e-mail address

(Your information remains confidential, and I do not keep it on the Internet. Requesting a free chart places you under no obligation to have a reading.)

You may also request charts for other people. This can help you understand why people behave as they do, and your relationships with them.

If You Want to Learn Human Design Yourself

I highly recommend my teacher's training for Human Design Specialists. She makes a complex body of information practical and easy to understand.

Here is a link to Karen Curry's website.

Appointments -- Penticton, Olympia, Telephone, . . .

I offer Human Design readings, The Body Code/The Emotion Code, and Spiritual Response Therapy by telephone and in person. In Penticton, B.C., and in Olympia, Washington, I offer in-person bodywork and energy work appointments, which may incorporate use of the Zero Point Global products.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, or if you would like to schedule an appointment.

Thank You's, Comments and Suggestions! There is a comments link at the end of the newsletter.

I love hearing from you and receiving your feedback.

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As always, you are so very much appreciated. Thank you for being there.

May You Fall Madly In Love With Yourself!



Sandra Lynn Lee
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Washington
Human Design Specialist
Certified Practitioner - The Emotion Code/The Body Code
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Miracle Inspirations

Everything in this newsletter is the opinion of the author and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. When information is drawn from outside sources, both credit and access to the source are given, when available.
Copyright 2012 Miracle Inspirations. All rights reserved.